About General Information Write For Us Crypto Article Guest Post

The article describes the formation of the features of the Write For Us Crypto Article Guest Post and also depicts the facts of this segment.

Can you write blogs on Cryptocurrency? Many readers, investors and financial experts are eager to know the facts about Cryptocurrency. For this reason, our portal is publishing news and reviews articles on Cryptocurrency. Many readers come to our portal and read these articles.

If you want to start your career as a content writer, you can write for our designated portal. We need content contributors to our Write For Us Crypto Article Guest Post section. 

What do you know about Glyphosatetaskforce.org? 

We are a famous and popular website that publishes news content on various topics. Our company’s name is Glyphosatetaskforce. Our main objective is to post content on multiple subjects like Technology, Online games, Heath, Entertainment, and Travel.

We also offer news articles on Cryptocurrency and inform the people of this trade about the daily update. We also review the various types of cryptocurrencies, their facts, founder’s name, coin protocols, market protocols, and buying methods. Providing news is our main priority, so we need writers.

Application Format for Crypto Article Write for Us

  1. The writers should have on-the-ball knowledge about Cryptocurrency.
  2. The grammar score should be 99 plus for each news article.
  3. The spam score should not cross the 3 per cent mark.
  4. The writers also need to use external and internal links to the content.
  5. After completing 80% of the article, the writer can use the external link. The link should be in ‘bold” and the colour “Green” with crux word phrase.
  6. Maintaining keyword density is another important aspect. The writers use the keyword properly between 0.75 to 1 per cent.
  7. For Write For Us + Crypto Article, the keywords should be in “bold” and in the colour “Blue” as well. 
  8. The content should maintain the notified words limit as well. The range is not less than 500 words and doesn’t cross 1000 words. 
  9. We don’t allow plagiarism content. The content should be original and have a trusted source for each piece of information. 
  10. Using modern-day content format is mandatory. The writers should use the proper paragraph, headings and subheadings as well.
  11. The content writers don’t use abusive words. Misleading information is prohibited.
  12. Research and reference are a must while drafting the content.

Advantages of Crypto Article “Write For Us”

  1. The writers work for an esteemed news portal.
  2. For our massive reader’s base, daily 10000 readers can read the news article.
  3. Writers make a relationship with the experts in this trade.
  4. The writers will get better SERP rankings for our highly SEO protocols.

Topic Suggestion

  1. Market Statistics of Crypto Currency?
  2. Is Investing in Crypto Currency Good?
  3. What is the financial protocol of Crypto Currency?

How to Connect 

The authors can directly send us a writing sample to our email id: [email protected]. We will evaluate the sample and inform you within 24 hours.


Write For Us + “Crypto Article” is an excellent opportunity to become an experience content writer. Please note that before applying for our portal, our company will have full ownership of the published content. We also hold editing authority.

Now send the article and give a new start to your content writing experience. Also, check the link to gather more specific information.  

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