
Buttigieg Country of Origin (Oct) Find Its Roots! >> informative post to let our readers know everything background of this specific surname.

Are you getting curious about Buttigieg Country of Origin? Want in-depth knowledge? Well, read out the whole article to know about the origination of this surname and the countries where people with such surnames can be seen. It is better to get an understanding and not to be all Greek to yourself. We know it is clear as mud but diving into this piece of writing will be beneficial.  

Well, it has also observed that people with this surname are 11.29% more likely to be registered citizens from the last many years in the United States.

What is this Buttigieg country of origin all about?

It is the surname of people and is observed for categorizing people in different groups based on their surnames, place of origin. People with this surname were more often found in the USA. Well, Buttigieg is more often found in the area of Malta and is the 94, 109th most frequent surname observed internationally.

Furthermore, besides malta, people with Buttigieg surname can be seen in 31 countries.

From where does this Buttigieg family belong?

The Buttigieg Country of Origin was found in the United States of America from the year 1800 and 1920. Almost every family having this surname was found in the USA in the year of 1920. Well, in 1880, there was another place where a single-family with this surname was located, texas having the highest count of such families.

If any user wants to get all the information regarding such families, he can see the census records and voters’ list.

What you Buttigieg ancestors used to do for their living?

Users who want detailed information regarding the occupation and the lifestyle of families with surname Buttigieg Country of Origin can search for the census records of that time and get the idea.

Moreover, anyone interested in knowing the full details of age and type of duties can also refer to a list of voters. Well, in the year 1939, it was observed that both the males and females of such families used to work as hotel chefs and unpaid domestic jobs. These were some of the top reported jobs at that time.

Details about the lifespan of Buttigieg:

The life expectancy of Buttigieg Country of Origin has come across various ups and downs in the years from 1963 to 2004. It reached its lowest possible count in the year of 1970 and got higher rapidly to go its highest count in the year of 2004.

However, noting down the average life expectancy of these people in the year of 1963, came out to be 78 and increased to 89 in 2004.

Buttigieg family population trend:

The Buttigieg has experienced a significant change in the popularity across the United States. There has been a considerable increase in the population with this surname. The actual count of the community with Buttigieg surname has increased 30900 per cent if observed from 1800 to 2014.

Final verdict

At the end of the story, we found that Buttigieg is the most frequently used surname in the USA, and people using these last names also live in countries like Australia and England.

Around 3000 census records are revealing the count of people using this last name that signifies Buttigieg Country of Origin.

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